Saturday, March 10, 2007

Extend senior-citizen concessions to visitors

I REFER to recent letters urging the extension of travel concessions to the whole day. I agree fully with the writers. It is an appropriate way to show respect to seniors.

Many First World countries extend such concessions to senior citizens of all countries.

Many, if not all, European Union countries extend concessions on train and ferry travel and to local attractions to seniors.

In Japan, if you look like a senior, the receptionist will tell you of the concession, which is zero payment in some instances.

In the United States and Australia, you are told of concessions in a large number of eating places as you enter. All this is done without asking for proof.

In Singapore, such privileges are not extended to foreigners and locals are often required to produce proof of their age.

We are not very trusting, are


I hope that as we aspire to become a First World country in many respects, we should also show respect to people of other countries and extend to them the courtesy that they so freely bestow upon seniors of all countries.

I can assure organisations that there will be no great rush to Singapore by seniors to avail themselves of the concessions and that the organisations will not be bankrupted by the senior tourists.

Murali Sharma

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